Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Prayer Leading You To Be Prayer


Simply Prayer

Praying as No Something and No Someone

Dec 7, 2016

Saying For Today: Then, we pray from being prayer, rather than only doing prayer or offering prayers.


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Living in Love beyond Beliefs

We Share One Life, We Are One Life


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Pray in the Spirit, always.

*St. Paul, Christian Bible

We are destined not merely to pray, as something we do, but to become and be prayer, as something we are. Then, we pray from being prayer, rather than only doing prayer or offering prayers.

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If you pray, truly pray, and not just pray words, you will be led into a space, sooner or later, based on your fidelity and willingness, where you are no longer praying as a something or a someone: Christian, Jew, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, Taoist, man, woman, ... Here, you are neither trying to be holy or not holy, right or wrong, good or bad - you are, even as prayer is. Prayer, then, is the means to shape you into prayer, not a kind of prayer, simply prayer. This is the freedom of true prayer, prayer that leads from words into silence and, then, from silence back into words, and the freedom of the one who truly prays from the Heart.

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Grace and Peace to All

The Sacred in Me bows to the Sacred in You

*Lotus of the Heart is a work of Brian K. Wilcox.

*Move cursor over photos for photographer and photo name.


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Prayer Leading You To Be Prayer

©Brian Wilcox 2024